I've been organizing the school room all summer. We went to Ikea a couple months back and picked up some shelves that fill an entire 8 foot long wall, top to bottom. The shelves also have a desk option that we went with and it's PERFECT!

We can hang out in the school room most of the day and get lots done and it feels like fun!

Our thrift store table and chairs works out well t. I turn my desk chair around often when we play games or if we are building something, etc.

Now that the kids are older I can keep stuff like Play Doe out for them and they do a pretty good job of putting it away. I do come across an open can or two sometimes with rock hard play doe inside.

Next to the futon are the books we read daily... we also keep the library books we have checked out there in a basket on the right. We always have lots of those around and I find if I let the library books wonder too far, some can be hard to find when they are due.

In the middle section here, we have the printer and all things paper; lapbooks, crafts, etc.

This is my little area. I keep my ciriculium and workbooks in this area. Easy to grab.